Association Pamir’s Bridges



Article one: Charter and seat

  1. An association with the name PAMIR’s BRIDGES is set up under article 60 and in line with the Swiss civil code.
  2. Its seat is in Marsens, Switzerland.

Article 2: Objectives**

The association’s objectives are:

  1. To rebuild the bridges in the mountainous areas of Central Asia in order to ensure that these areas remain viable for the local populations; also to reduce overgrazing and ensuing desertification of the middle and lower rural areas.
  2. To promote the traditions and the knowledge of mountainous populations from Central Asia back in Switzerland, Europe and other parts of the world, as well as to encourage cultural exchanges.
  3. To support eco-tourism in these regio.

Article 3: Members*

  1. All people of sound body and mind can become a member of the association.
  2. The committee decides on admissions.
  3. Membership ends with a written letter of resignation which must be submitted six months before the end of the year.
  4. The committee can decide to exclude a member by a majority of two thirds, without being obliged to give a reason. Non-payment of the annual fees are grounds for exclusion.




Article 4: Bodies

  1. The organs of the association are:
    a) the general assembly
    b) the committee
    c) the auditors of the accounts
  2. All persons who take up duties in any of the association’s bodies do so on a voluntary basis


Article 5: Convention

  1. The general assembly is convened at least once a year. Notification is given in writing at least one month in advance. Notice is also given of the business of the day.
  2. It is also convened within thirty days if the committee or two of its members consider it necessary, or when one third of the association’s members, membership fees paid in full, so request it in writing.

Article 6: Duties and vote

  1. The assembly has the following responsibilities:
    a) it elects the members of the committee
    b) it nominates the auditors of the accounts and the substitute
    c) it monitors the actions of the organs and supervises management
    d) it approves the budget, the accounts and the annual report
    e) it fixes the annual membership fees
    f) it amends the statutes
    g) it decides on the dissolution of the association
  2. The assembly votes by show of hands. The vote can be held by secret ballot if a demand is made and accepted by a third of the members present. Decisions are taken by majority of votes cast. Abstentions and blank ballots are not counted. In the event of a draw, the president of the meeting has the casting vote. The provisions of article 12 para 1 are retained.


Article 7: Composition

  1. It is elected by the general assembly for a period of three years; its members are eligible to be re-elected.
  2. It is made up of a minimum of three members, consisting of the president, the secretary and the treasurer, and a maximum of seven members.
  3. It constitutes itself as a body.

Article 8: Responsibilities

  1. The committee executes the decisions of the general assembly, follows the affairs of the association and manages its resources.
  2. More specifically it falls upon it to:
    a) convene the general assembly and fix the order of business
    b) propose to the general assembly the use of the association’s resources to meet its objectives
    c) submit for the approval of the general assembly the budget, the accounts and the annual report
    d) decide on the admission and rejection of members
  3. The decisions of the committee are recorded in minutes signed by the president and the secretary or their alternates.
  4. The committee is convened in writing by the president or his alternate as often as required.
  5. It cannot take any decisions unless the majority of its members are present or have sent representatives.
  6. Decisions are taken by majority. The president or his alternate have the casting vote in the event of a draw.


Article 9

  1. Two auditors of the accounts and one substitute are nominated for a period of three years; they are eligible to serve again.
  2. The auditors examine and verify the accounts.
  3. They present a written report to the general assembly for approval.
  4. The assembly can also call in a fiduciary.




Article 10: Administrative and budget year, representation and responsibility

  1. The administrative and budget year is the same as the calendar year
  2. The association is bound either by the collective signature of both the president and secretary or treasurer, or the collective signature of their alternates within the committee.
  3. For small daily expenses up to five thousand Swiss francs the signature of only one member of the committee is necessary.
  4. The resources of the association correspond to its obligations: members cannot be held personally responsible.

Article 11: Resources
In order to meet its objectives the association disposes of:
a) annual membership fees
b) donations and legacies
c) subsidies
d) other revenue

Article 12: Revision of the statutes and dissolution

  1. Decisions to change the statutes or dissolve the association are taken by a two thirds majority of members present at the assembly.
  2. In the event of the dissolution of the association, its assets go to one or more development project chosen by the general assembly.

Article 13: Adoption of the statutes
a) Interpretation of the present statutes will be made solely based on the French text
b) The present statutes were adopted by the founding assembly on February 19, 2001 at the Victoria Hotel, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Fabrice Notari, 1172 Bougy-Villars, Switzerland
Jacques Muller, 13090 Aix-en-Provence, France
Bernard Repond, 1633 Marsens, Switzerland


NB: The current statutes are deposited at the Registre du Commerce in Fribourg.

* Statutes amended at the General Assembly held in Romont on 22th February 2006.
** Statutes amended at the General Assembly held in Fribourg on 7th April 2011.